Thursday, 10 March 2016

Are You Achieving or Deceiving?

We are still in the beginning of a New Year.  Two months we are never going to get back in 2016, gone.  In December I talked about goal setting.  Did you set your goals for the New Year?  Is this going to be the year that you make a quantum leap in your life?  I am not talking about New Year's resolutions that everyone gets motivated to make and by now most are broken.  We all know that most people don't keep those resolutions.  What I'm talking about are real changes.   Even minor tweaking can make a difference if you want a more secure future.  Can you list some of your achievements so far?

I believe most people's biggest challenge is that they're unsure of what they really want or they think it's too big and they could never have it anyway. If you think about it, there's probably a way you could chunk down a big goal into something smaller and more manageable. Take baby steps.  Don't deceive yourself into thinking there is lots of time.  You will get around to taking some action, tomorrow.  Well today is tomorrow so now is the time to start.   
Still need help? Then maybe you better consider coming to my personal growth workshops that are being held throughout the year. Check our website for dates and locations, including the topics. 

Remember don't let another year fly by.  What are you going to do to make the most of this year?  This is no dress rehearsal.  We get one kick at the can so make it a good one.  Here’s to a fantastic, unbelievable 2016. It is not too late to make it the best yet.  No more deceiving yourself, you are an achiever.


Happy New Year and an Attitude of Gratitude

This month I thought I would talk about how grateful I am for having you all in my life. All the people I have in my life are people that I want to be around.  Having gratitude for you, my health, my career, and my life, is putting out to the universe that in life, it is important to be grateful for all the little things we have each and every day.

When you reflect back either on last year or in a lot of the years previously, I'm sure you can find many things to be grateful for. What I'm talking about is the more grateful you are for the little things the more good things seem to happen to you. This is what's called the law of attraction. There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the law of attraction. Many people believe the more grateful and positive you are, the more the universe will bring back to you.  You attract a lot more in your life that's good when you are positive and grateful. With the law of attraction you do have to take some action.  Action is the last part of the word in attrACTION.

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be very lucky?  We all know people who we envy a little bit. And it's not that we are jealous, but it always seems like good things keep happening to other people.  You may ask yourself why not me?  Have you ever stopped to analyze why those people seem to be so lucky?  It may be the law of attraction at work.  If that's the case why not try making some small changes in your life to have the law of attraction attracting things that you really want.

Remember you have to change your attitude, be grateful everyday, and take some action in the right direction and maybe 2016 will be your year.  

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil

A few years ago when I was on a training course I learned a very valuable lesson.  That lesson was to ASK.  You may be wondering what you ask for.  You ask for anything you want.  If the answer is no, then it is no.  You have lost nothing because you did not have that thing you asked for in the first place.  If the answer is yes then you have now received something you wanted but were afraid to ask for.  So now you are better off because someone said yes.

So why am giving you this lesson in life?  I am giving you this lesson because it is time to start asking for discounts and other areas to save money.  One of my biggest pet peeve is to pay fees on things that I determine have no real value to me.  Whoever heard of paying a fee to find out how much money you owe a company?  I am referring in this example to cell phone bills.  You sign up for a service and you used to get a paper bill showing how much you owed.  Next thing you know the company tells you if you want to continue getting a paper bill you must pay for this privilege.  Well since I hate paying fees more than going on-line, I went on line. I like my paper cell bill because I actually look at it.

Thank goodness there were people who fought this injustice.  Apparently you can now ask to have your paper bill back with no fee.  Talk to your provider about waiving the fee on your paper bill, I did.  Not only am I getting my paper bill back without a fee but CRTC has banned three year contracts.   Now may be a great opportunity to renegotiate your monthly bill.  Remember no one is going to volunteer to save you money as I recently found out when I called.  My new cell phone plan offers a $10 a month savings with more data.

Remember it is up to you to ask.  Saving money has to be your decision.  No one will automatically do it for you.  Until next month, what is on your mind?

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

Do you ever watch a child trying to walk?  In the beginning they fall on their butts more than once.  The thing with a child is they don't realize they are failing at something so they keep on trying until they succeed.  The child will eventually succeed at walking no matter how many times he or she falls down. 

Why is it as adults we are afraid to take a step back so we can move forward?  Most people are afraid to fail at something so most of us won't even try.  In life failure should be an option.  If you don't fail, you really don't get the valuable lesson that failure teaches us.  The most successful people are the ones that had the most failures.  The more you fail at something the more successful you should be in life.  I know that you have to understand the differences with failure.  You cannot go through school without trying, then failing, and think you will succeed at your chosen career. 

I am talking about taking a chance in trying something new.  Whether it is a sport or applying for a new job.  You won't know if you can do something until you try, fail and then learn from your mistake.

I met someone recently in my travels who had very successfully built an amazing business.  What he failed at was in planning his finances.  He overspent and over leveraged to a point where he found himself broke.  He went from rags to riches to rags again.  When this man looked at the failures he had had he took away some valuable lessons and today he is back financially sound and making better choices.  In this case this man needed to go broke to become a better person.  This was an extremely valuable lesson for him.  We all will take away a different lesson from a failure.  The point is learning and growing from all the steps back so we can move forward in life.