have been listening to many conference calls on the markets as of late.
Many of these market calls focus on what has already transpired.
Volatility, the COVID-19 pandemic, the oil price war, the shutdown of global
economies and massive corresponding bailouts. This helps paint a picture
of where we are and how we got here but doesn't really help us with what
happens next. The truth here is that no one knows. Especially the
media channels going on and on.
firmly believe that in due course things will improve.
are some themes that we think could begin to emerge over the next year or
feel that Canada might lag behind some of our peers in any economic
recovery. Why? Canadian oil producers are shutting production down.
We think Alberta will be very repressed economically and this will hurt
Canada and the Canadian dollar. In addition a lot of Canadians were very
indebted heading into this pandemic. This is why we diversify our
portfolios geographically.
it is not uncommon to get additional market pullbacks as the economic picture
becomes clearer. That is, we could see more negative days in the stock
markets of the world. We do believe that by the second half of this year
(2020) we will get double digit economic growth and then a long and arduous
rebuilding of lost economic output. We think we are 18 months to two
years, at least, to get back to where we were in January of this year (2020)
based on corrections throughout history.
could get a 2nd and possibly 3rd wave of this virus as is common with most viruses.
COVID-19 is beginning to take hold in the US and they have delayed taking
precautions (or haven't taken the threat seriously enough). We think the
USA could get an Italy type disaster situation. Parts of the USA are
beginning to build temporary morgues. We are not trying to scare
anyone. These are the likely scenarios that could unfold.
is a big economic mess to clear in the way of renters, landlords, small
businesses and the like. The bailouts will not be uniform and will likely
favour big business with lobbying power.
While we don’t
try to time the market or predict the future, we are trying to be pragmatic and
realistic. We do think we will see
significant recovery in account values by Christmas. Most of the
markdowns in the portfolios are temporary. Fixed income markets in
particular have been hit with liquidity issues and have suppressed fund prices
think that staying calm and staying invested is the best course of
action. This has proven to be the case through economic catastrophes in
history. Be patient and focused on the future, because the sun will come
out tomorrow.
always, feel free to call us anytime if you have questions or concerns.
If you think someone would benefit from our articles you can forward them
on or have the person contact us to go on our email list.
Linda J. Levesque, CFP®, FMA, FCSI®
Sr. Investment Advisor
Director, Private Client Group
HollisWealth®, a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc.
HollisWealth®, a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc.
Levesque Wealth Planning is a personal trade name
of Linda J. Levesque
Insurance Advisor
Insurance Advisor
Hollis Insurance
Corporate Plaza, 2075 Kennedy Road, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON M1T 3V3
Tel: 416-412-8018 / 1-800-322-4030
Fax: 416-332-6772
Tel: 416-412-8018 / 1-800-322-4030
Fax: 416-332-6772
Fearon, MBA, CFA, CPA(CA)
Investment Advisor
Private Client Group
HollisWealth®, a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc.
HollisWealth®, a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc.
Wealth Planning is a personal trade name of Linda J. Levesque
Corporate Plaza, 2075 Kennedy Road, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON M1T 3V3
Tel: 416-412-8018 / 1-800-322-4030
Fax: 416-332-6772
Tel: 416-412-8018 / 1-800-322-4030
Fax: 416-332-6772
‘Saving Today for a
Richer Tomorrow’®
You can, as long as
you include this complete statement with it: Linda J. Levesque and Daniel
Fearon, are Senior Investment Advisors and Directors, Private Client Group of
HollisWealth® Linda J. Levesque is
an author of The 5 Minute Wealth Plan, Saving Today for a Richer Tomorrow®, in
The Road to Success with Jack Canfield and in The Authorities, Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field. If you're ready to jump-start your life, have
more fun and joy in all that you do,
get a FREE consultation from Linda J. Levesque and Daniel Fearon.
This information has been prepared by Linda
J. Levesque & Daniel Fearon who are Investment Advisors for HollisWealth®
and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of HollisWealth. The information
contained in this newsletter comes from sources we believe reliable, but we
cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. The opinions expressed are based
on an analysis and interpretation dating from the date of publication and are
subject to change without notice. Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer
or solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. The information
contained herein may not apply to all types of investors. The Investment
Advisors can open accounts only in the provinces in which they are registered.
HollisWealth® is a division of Industrial Alliance Securities Inc., a member of
the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization of Canada.
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